
Why should I buy Santa Gertrudis?

Value for Money - In these tough economical times, everyone needs to watch their dollars. Many farmers cross their first calving heifers with Angus bulls to get low birth sizes. With Angus bulls selling for average prices of $8000-$10,000, Santa Gertrudis is a far more economical alternative. Glenrossie Santa Gertrudis bulls sell for averages of $3000-$3500 and the calves produced will grow bigger faster with the same desirable birth weights.

Easy Calving - Santa Gertrudis is a very easy calving breed, with the calves born long and narrow bodied with small heads.

Growth Rates - Santa Gertrudis calves grow at an excellent rate with the difference between a week old calf and a month old calf being quite astounding.

Feed Conversion - Studies have shown that Santa Gertrudis have an excellent feed conversion rate and are able to put on more meat from lower quality pasture.

Drought Resistance - Santa Gertrudis are not bothered by hot, dry conditions and lack of quality pasture.They can maintain and even gain weight in these conditions much better than traditional breeds.

Bloat Resistance - Studies in Australia have found that Santa Gertrudis are resistant to bloat.

Ability to Travel - With more beef cattle being pushed into the steeper, rougher country in New Zealand, Santa Gertrudis are an excellent choice in this situation as they have the ability to travel large distances for food and water. For those long trips back to the yards, Santa Gertrudis cattle will take half the time to get there as they have an easy, jogging gait that they can maintain for long periods of time.

Common misconceptions about Santa Gertrudis

They only do well in tropical climates - FALSE! - Santa Gertrudis are successfully farmed all around New Zealand, including very cold climates. Glenrossie bulls are used in a cross breeding system at Turangi in the Central Plateau, an area well known for it's very cold winter climate and ski fields.

Santa Gertrudis are wild - FALSE! - Santa Gertrudis are different to traditional breeds of cattle. Many of the traits that make them great - such as survivability in tough conditions and strong maternal instincts - can make them appear to be wild. As with many of the exotic breeds that came to New Zealand, some of the first animals to be imported were of questionable temperament, but breeders in New Zealand have worked very hard to address this. The Santa Gertrudis we have in New Zealand today are not wild. In fact, temperament is one of the prerequisites for classification of individual animals, so if the temperament is not right then that animal will not be classified, and none of it's progeny will be eligible for classification. It does pay to buy from a stud breeder who has classified animals.



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